Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy Graduation Teteh \(^.^)/

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy,, finally, after fought through these years to get S.E tittle, today one of my friends that I usually call Teteh was graduated from Uni. Congratulation for her *hug* Oya, teteh is a call from West Java to a woman there as a form of respect. Well then, since she is coming from Bogor which is part of West Java, then I prever to call her teteh Meutia :)

*sigh* how time flies really fast.. it was looked like yesterday we both made promise that we would graduate from this uni together, but now, you were graduated first before me :'( but that's ok, don't worry. I will follow you also to graduate this year. Looking back at your effort while doing your thesis research, it doesn't really surprise me if you finish your thesis less than 6 months. I remember, you told me that you really want to join the graduation ceremony on August when that sounds quite impossible for me since I still need long way to finish mine. I don't really know why you were really want to graduate on August, whether it was because you heard that your someone special will be graduated also on this month, or whether your Mom really want to see you graduate soon,, I don't really exactly know, but well, it really works to grant your wish :)

From now on, I will build more my spirit and leave all those unnecessary things behind, then make priority to my thesis. Your graduation woke me up and made me realize that I had a target to have thesis exam next month, on September. Even in the end we can't graduate together, but I wish, we both can achieve our dreams in the future.
For the last line I wanna say congratulation for your graduation day, you looked very beautiful today (i know you do beautiful, but today you're way more beautiful), you're precious, just being more confident, brave and believe toward yourself. Iam sure, you will achieve whatever dreams you want. Furthermore, thank you very much during these times, having you during my uni life also such a precious thing. Realize it or not, you have been influenced me to be someone better everyday :) I'm sure that I will miss you so much when you're not around anymore :'(

Below is the pictures on her thesis exam and her graduation day:

On her thesis exam day
(from left to right: Dwiky, Lumos, Tyas, me, Teteh Meutia, Rahma, Aul)

Took picture with others IP's mates :)

with me, Indeed :)

In front of Bumbu Desa with others

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cintaku Untukmu Negeri

Taken from: Google

Ketika menulis mengenai kemerdekaan negeri ini, tiba-tiba saja mengingatkanku pada sebuah lirik lagu yang diperkenalkan oleh iklan indosat sekitar 5 tahun yang lalu (2008). Sebuah iklan yang ditujukan untuk memperingati 100 tahun kebangkitan nasional. Sebuah lirik yang simple tapi cukup mengena dan mudah untuk diingat. Nah, untuk memperingati hari kemerdekaan negeri tercinta, aku ingin membaginya dengan kalian. Semoga dengan tulisan ini mampu membawa kembali semangat nasionalisme kita semua, meski mungkin hanya setaun sekali. Hayoo, masih adakah yang ingat? :) 

Oy, berhubung lirik ini aku kenal dari sebuah comercial break, maka credit adalah pemilik sang pengarang sepenuhnya :)

Indahnya Negeri tempatku berdiri
Berjuta warna di bumi pertiwi
Aku ingin terbang nan tinggi
Berbakti untukmu negeri~

Sejauh apapun hati melangkah,
Merah Putih kan slalu ku bela
Aku berjanji terus mengabdi
Cintaku untukmu negeri~

Jika kita mau memaknai lebih dalam mengenai lagu tersebut,

Friday, August 16, 2013

Happy Independence Day my Beloved Country!

Taken from: Google

Merah Putih teruslah kau berkibar
Di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini
Merah Putih teruslah kau berkibar
Di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini
Merah Putih teruslah kau berkibar~
Ku kan slalu menjagamu~
(Coklat Band-Bendera)

Aaaah, sepenggal lirik lagu yang mampu membuat ku mengharu biru, mengobarkan kembali rasa nasionalisme yang sering kali terkikis karena malu melihat tingkah laku para pemimpin korup yang hanya memikirkan diri sendiri untuk memenuhi pundi pundi uang mereka. Enam puluh delapan tahun sudah kita merdeka, menyatakan diri sebagai negara mandiri yang bebas dari penjajahan kasat mata bangsa manapun. Enam puluh delapan tahun bukanlah waktu yang sebentar jika ia diibaratkan sebagai manusia karena ia telah memasuki usia senja, tapi enam puluh delapan tahun masihlah waktu yang sempit bagi sebuah negara yang pernah terjajah selama lebih dari 3.5 abad.

Tanah air ku tercinta Indonesia, enam puluh delapan tahun sudah engkau berdiri tegak sebagai bangsa merdeka yang kedudukannya sejajar dengan bangsa-bangsa merdeka lainnya. Sejarah menuliskan telah banyak peristiwa terukir dan juga tak sedikit tumpah darah para pahlawan demi mencapai kemerdekaan dan kondisi Indonesia saat ini. 

Masih ingatkah kita akan cita-cita para pahlawan dahulu, para pendiri negeri ini yang telah lebih dulu menghadap sang Khalik?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Kazoku Game-家族ゲーム

Taken from Google

Already finished watch Sho's newest dorama, I want to share the review since I think this dorama was really interesting. This is the first time for Sho-chan was appeared in the dorama played like an psycho. Well, before I start the review, I want to share a little story about my struggle to get this dorama.Hhe :)

Watched the trailer for the first time only made me more curios about the story. The problem came out when I realized that I'm not really good with the downloading stuffs including find the best sources or LJ to get the dorama. I decided to wait it until it come in warnet. Some moments ago, when I went to warnet, finally, I got it, but unluckily, there were only 4 episodes that available while the number of total episode was 10 >.<  watched 4 episodes only made me felt more curios to get the rest since I want to know the end of the story. I only have 2 choices, first,I've to wait it till it is updated by the warnet or ask the copy from my Japanese class's friend. Since the first choice is looked like would take such long time, then I tried to call my friend, but then sadly, she was really busy and it sounds impossible to meet her nowdays, she said that she would be free nearly Ied Mubaraq. Well, since that was the most possible way to get the dorama, I'm patiently wait till the moment is come. Then, here I am tonight, already finished watch the rest episodes\(^.^)/ yattaaa..

Oke, fine. Lets back to our business tonight, about the review of this dorama :) According to the information that I got, Kazoku Game (Family Game) dorama was adapted from a novel which is written by Honma Yohei that has been made for the movie and television series around 30 years ago. In 2013, it was returned and aired on Fuji Tv around 17th April 2013 till 19th June 2013. This movie is about the family and school's problems that (maybe actually) happened in our environtment. The story goes when