Saturday, July 12, 2014


Good afternoon \(^o^)/ well, it's been very very long time since the last time i wrote something here. Hope you guys are still in good condition (^ワ^=)

Oya, we're still in Ramadhan month, happy fasting to you all..hope that we still could meet Ramadhan in next years (^^)

Hmm..many things happened during this 6 months.. I resigned from my part time job around 3 months ago (May 2014), the reason wasnt because of my parents, yet since i had a job as a SAP analyst in one of big subsidiaries company. Yeah, all the praises are belong to the One and the Almighty, Alloh SWT who let me passed the tests (^^)

Looked back at my last post.. never been believed that today Iam here in Jakarta, had a job and live alone. I still remember at that time, the time when i decided to tell my boss that i want to resign (in the end of January). Instead of gave me permission to left the job, he asked me to be his accountant, responsible to the daily selling report. He also offered increasing of my salary. Since i would have a new position that doesnt required me to stay late in cafe that makes my Mom worries, then i cancelled my resignation and tell my Mom about the new condition. In the end, everything came back as usual.

Furthermore, in the next month..

Sunday, January 19, 2014

In the Edge of Decision

Have you ever feel that galau feeling? In this case is a worry feeling, specifically, related with your future? Well, I felt it since around a week ago, and I think you guys can guess what it is about >.<
Had been stayed about 3 months (or more) in my part-time job, but lately I can't help my Mom's command to resign from it. I knew that it's for my sake since I often get shift schedule till 11 p.m, but I just feel that I still have not get enough knowledge and experience yet from it >.<

Well, actually, i used to choose haf a part time job because i want to have my own money. It was started not long time after I had the thesis exam. I want to continue my Japanese Language Course but my Dad wont to pay the fee since at that time I was disagreed with him and rejected his command to join in SAP course. But then, eventhough at that time I was rejected his command, but deep in my heart I knew that all he want is for my future's sake. He wants to make sure that I get the best things that can add my value, in order to get a good job. Then slowly, I opened my heart and start had eager to know more about SAP. Then now, since I already joined in SAP, my Dad told me that I do not need to continue my part-time job to get money because he will pay me the fee of Japanese Course, so he wants me to resign from my par-time job as soon as possible.

I'm not confident enough with my own decision, I'm afraid that I'll make

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Well.. Happy Graduation for you Broth \m/

Woaaa,, after made a post around two weeks ago about my graduation ceremony, then tonight I wanna share another my happiness story :) As you can see above in the tittle, finally, yesterday my older brother was officially graduaded from Science and Technology Information Faculty after struggling for six years to get the degree. Oya, for your information, actually my brother took degree from 2 different universities. He was officially registered as student in Technology Information Department and Tourism Department. He already got his degree from tourism department on 2012, well.. since today his name will be more longer than before with those 2 degrees, S.Par, S.Kom :p

Through this post, I wanna say congratulation to you. See, finally you can complete the mission :p Graduate from one uni isnt easy job but you instead succesfully graduaded from 2 different universities and 2 different majors. I want you to know that if you willing to "force" your self a little bit harder, I believe that you gonna be "someone" in the future. No matter what your planning is in the future, I always hope that God will always guide us to the right path. One of my favorite quotes is " Blood is thicker than Water" , so I want you to know that blood relation (family) never can be broke by everything :)

Note: Actually, i wrote this post 4 years ago and i just realized that i havent publish it. Big sorry bro, i was really forget :(

Picture Credit: Google

Saturday, December 7, 2013

My Part-time Job

Goodnight everyone :) udah lumayan lama kykny gak update tulisan apa-apa di sini. Well, kali ini aku mau sharing salah satu pengalaman pribadiku dalam rangka mencoba mencari uang sendiri.

Seperti yang pernah aku sebut di post sebelumnya semenjak selesai ujian pendadaran, aku tertarik mencoba mencari kerja part-time, and finally I got that job. Yups, aku diterima kerja di sebuah cafe di Jogja sebagai cashier. Well, mungkin buat banyak orang yang mengenal aku, mereka menyayangkan keputusan ku kenapa mau bekerja cuma sebagai cashier di sebuah cafe yang gaji sebulannya pun gak seberapa, padahal hari kerjanya seminggu penuh. Bahkan ada juga temen rumah yang bilang, aku terlihat ngoyo dalam mencari uang, padahal jika ditilik lebih lanjut orang tua ku masih sangat cukup untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan ku, meski aku masih harus melanjutkan sekolah profesi :) Semua komentar mereka sering ku balas dengan senyum dan kubarengi dengan penjelasan bahwa aku saat ini masih melanjutkan kuliah profesi yang masih memerlukan concern yang lebih juga, dan kerja part-time adalah hal yang sangat memungkinkan untuk kulakukan daripada aku hanya diam di rumah :)

Well, kalo mau jujur, sebenarnya ada sedikit rasa minder juga dulu saat pertama kali bekerja disana, tapi kemudian ku tepis rasa itu karena aku yakin apapun jenis pekerjaannya, selama dilakukan dengan jalan yang halal dan niat baik, pasti akan memberikan pengalaman dan pelajaran yang bisa kita petik di masa depan :) Aku ingat salah satu pesan Om Mario Teguh dalam

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Finally I got my degree \(^.^)/

Hollaaaaaaaaaaa,,, good morning pals :) yeaaayyh, I'm in high tension today :) Finally,after these 4 years which are fulfilled with struggle, obstacles, tears, sweat, smile and laughs, yesterday, on 23rd of November, I was officially graduaded from Islamic University of Indonesia. Really happy since I was graduaded with cumlaude GPA, and yesterday was one of the big moments during my life :)

At that day, I was busy to prepare everything. Oy, I forgot to tell you that around 3 weeks after my thesis exam, I was applied to work in a cafe as part-time worker with position as a cashier. Nah, regarding with my graduation schedule, then I decided to took 3 days off from my work. I told my boss (the cafe owner) and my partner to substitute my position. Well, eventhough I have those 3 days off, but actually I was still busy with graduation matters such as for the rehearseal (we usually called it gladi bersih in bahasa) and (actually I was quite embarrased to tell it) looking for heels shoes >.< sadly, I've to tell you that I have no heels shoes to used in graduation ceremony since I usually wear sneaker for my daily activity. Well, back to the main topic, there are 2 kinds of rehearseal before the graduation day, the first one was on Thursday (2 days before)-special for those who got cumlaude GPA, then the second one was on Friday (a day before)-together with all of candidates from all faculties and departments.

In this graduation periode, there are 6 students who

Sunday, November 3, 2013

99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa (Perjalanan Menapaki Jejak Islam di Eropa)

Taken from: Google

Akhirnya,, setelah beberapa waktu yang lama, saya berhasil kembali ke pojok buku ini. Oke, dalam kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin berbagi mengenai isi buku 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa yang merupakan hasil goresan tangan putri dari seorang tokoh besar negeri ini, Hanum Salsabiela Rais dan suaminya, Rangga Almahendra; Yups, mbak Hanum ini merupakan putri dari Bapak Amien Rais :). Buku ini sudah saya beli sejak dua tahun yang lalu, tetapi sayangnya baru berhasil saya selesaikan membaca setahun setelah buku itu saya beli. Cukup malu rasanya mengingat saya hanya membutuhkan waktu 3-5 hari untuk menyelesaikan membaca novel series Harry Potter yang memiliki jumlah halaman lebih tebal daripada buku ini. Mmm, tapi bukankah lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak menyelesaikannya sama sekali? Hhe. Mengingat besar nya nilai yang terkandung dalam buku ini, maka dalam kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membaginya kepada kalian semua. Semoga setelah membaca review singkat buku ini mampu menyadarkan kita apa misi sesungguhnya atas penciptaan kita di muka bumi ini sebagai seorang muslim :) 

Buku 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa ini ditulis secara apik oleh mbak Hanum dan suaminya sebagai hasil perenungan dan perjalanan mereka selama tinggal di Eropa. Mengikuti sang suami yang berkesempatan mendapatkan beasiswa doktoral di Wina, Austria; Hanum menghabiskan waktu luangnya untuk menapaki jejak kebesaran Islam di masa silam sembari menunggu panggilan kerja di kampus sang suami. Awal dari perjalanan ini dimulai ketika ia berkenalan dengan seorang wanita Imigran Turki yang sudah tinggal terlebih dahulu di Austria selama 3 tahun bernama Fatma. Fatma merupakan kawan baru dalam kelas bahasa Jerman di sebuah kursus singkat yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah Austria yang menemaninya mengawali menyusuri jejak-jejak Islam di bumi Eropa. Perjalanan Hanum di mulai pertama kali dengan mengunjungi Kahlenberg, sebuah bukit atau pegunungan di Wina, Austria yang masih menjadi bagian kecil dari gugusan Alpen yang mengitari 7 negara Eropa. Dalam perjalanan mereka yang pertama itu mereka dipertemukan dengan sekelompok tourists yang dapat dikatakan menghina Islam dan kebudayaan Turki. Alih-alih berdebat dan membuat kekacauan di negeri orang, Fatma menunjukkan pada Hanum, bagaimana seorang muslim harus bertindak dan berperilaku, jelas bukan dengan kekerasan dan adu argument, tetapi dengan cinta kasih terhadap sesama makhluk ciptaan Tuhan. Sungguh sebuah contoh real dari sikap seorang muslim yang taat, rahmatan lil 'alamin :)

Dari Kahlenberg, selanjutnya kita akan diajak pula berkeliling mengunjungi Wien Stadt Museum, sebuah mueum kota

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Have been busy with my graduation things lately, then when I was looking back at my thesis which has been bounded, I realized that I wrote many words in my acknowledgment page to everyone who helped me during my struggle-thesis period :) Well, in order to show you all my gratitude to have you, I wanna share it here :)


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Alhamdulillahi rabbil’alamin. All praises and thanks belong to Allah. I pray toward the presence of abundant grace and the guidance to me so that I can be here finished my study and having great family, lecturer, friends, everyone and everything that always support me to finish this thesis. Shalawat dan greetings are always intended to my greatest prophet Muhammad SAW who has given light path to the salvation of the world and the hereafter.
This thesis is finally presented as partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain the bachelor degree in Accounting Department, International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia. During the process of composing this thesis, I realize that this thesis never can be finished without their help. Therefore, I would like to say thank you for every parties who take a part in giving contribution.
1.       Prof. Hadri Kusuma, MBA., as the Dean of Economic Faculty, Universitas Islam Indonesia.
2.       Drs. Anas Hidayat, MBA., Ph.D, as the Director of Business and Economics Department, International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia who at the same time is my beloved uncle who always inspires and encourages me to be more active and better student during these 4 years. Thank you for any supports to finish this thesis.
3.       Sigit Handoyo, S.E., M.Buss, as the Vice Director of Business and Economics Department, International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia who at the same time as my content advisor who always provide me his precious time to consult about my thesis. Thank you very much sir.
4.       Budi Tiara Novitasari, S.E, Ak as my language advisor who always patiently checking my bad English grammar, and even borrowed me some books as my literatures and references. You are the best mbak :)
5.       All of the staff of BEI UII corner, especially bu Erni. Thanks for your help and kindness to provide the raw data in order to complete this thesis. By the way,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Masih Pantaskah Kau Kusebut Teman?

Hebat memang, seseorang yang mengaku dirinya sebagai sahabat ataupun teman semenjak SMA, tapi tidak membalas saat dikirimkan sms permohonan maaf dan ucapan selamat Idul Fitri. Aku tetap berupaya berpositive thinking, mungkin tidak kau terima sms itu, dan kucoba tanyakan apakah no mu ganti. Ternyata no mu pun masih sama. Entah apa yang terjadi, kuulangi mengucapkanny lewat social media, tapi tetap tak kau balas, kupikir kau sedang sibuk.. yaa, sibuk dengan teman-temanmu yang baru.

Ketika kau akhirnya tau teman mu ini akhirnya berhasil menyelesaikan sidang skripsinya pun, tidak ada sepatah kata pun yang terucap meski hanya ucapan selamat. Tak apa, aku pikir kau pun mungkin sedang sibuk mengurus persiapan wisuda mu bersama dengan teman-teman mu yang sekarang.

Ingatkah kau ketika kau membutuhkan bantuan, bertanya tentang suatu hal dan kujawab "coba kau googling dulu" karena ketika itu aku sedang bersiap berangkat kerja, dan ketika malam harinya setelah pulang kutanya kan lagi apakah kau sudah mendapatkan yang kau cari, hingga berakhir akan janjiku untuk membantumu untuk mengirimkan nya segera melalui email. Tapi karena keterbatasan waktuku pun, aku mengirimkanny 2 hari setelah itu. Ku bantu kau dengan niat tulus dan kukabari setelah aku mengirimkannya, tapi ketika kabar itu sudah kau terima pun, tidak ada satu balasan ataupun ucapan terimakasih yang terucap dari mu, teman. Entah apa yang terjadi padamu, mungkin bagimu pertolongan seperti itu adalah hal kecil remeh dan telatnya aku mengirimkan nya merupakan sebuah masalah untukmu.

Sungguh bukan ucapan terimakasih yang aku inginkan, aku hanya berharap respon mu, yang menyebut dirimu sebagai teman. Apakah respon seperti itu yang selalu kau berikan pada teman-temanmu itu? ku rasa tidak. Dengan berbagai hal itu, masih pantas kah aku memanggil mu teman atau bahkan sahabat? Engkau datang ketika membutuhkan pertolongan, menanyaiku sesuatu hanya sebatas basa basi, dan pergi begitu saja ketika sudah mendapatkannya. Yayaya, mungkin aku yang salah. Salah karena telah mengizinkan pikiran negatif seperti itu terlintas dalam pikiranku. Tapi sungguh masih tersisa tanya yang besar dalam benakku, masih pantaskah ku sebut kau dengan panggilan teman?

Taken from Google Image