Sunday, December 15, 2013

Well.. Happy Graduation for you Broth \m/

Woaaa,, after made a post around two weeks ago about my graduation ceremony, then tonight I wanna share another my happiness story :) As you can see above in the tittle, finally, yesterday my older brother was officially graduaded from Science and Technology Information Faculty after struggling for six years to get the degree. Oya, for your information, actually my brother took degree from 2 different universities. He was officially registered as student in Technology Information Department and Tourism Department. He already got his degree from tourism department on 2012, well.. since today his name will be more longer than before with those 2 degrees, S.Par, S.Kom :p

Through this post, I wanna say congratulation to you. See, finally you can complete the mission :p Graduate from one uni isnt easy job but you instead succesfully graduaded from 2 different universities and 2 different majors. I want you to know that if you willing to "force" your self a little bit harder, I believe that you gonna be "someone" in the future. No matter what your planning is in the future, I always hope that God will always guide us to the right path. One of my favorite quotes is " Blood is thicker than Water" , so I want you to know that blood relation (family) never can be broke by everything :)

Note: Actually, i wrote this post 4 years ago and i just realized that i havent publish it. Big sorry bro, i was really forget :(

Picture Credit: Google

Saturday, December 7, 2013

My Part-time Job

Goodnight everyone :) udah lumayan lama kykny gak update tulisan apa-apa di sini. Well, kali ini aku mau sharing salah satu pengalaman pribadiku dalam rangka mencoba mencari uang sendiri.

Seperti yang pernah aku sebut di post sebelumnya semenjak selesai ujian pendadaran, aku tertarik mencoba mencari kerja part-time, and finally I got that job. Yups, aku diterima kerja di sebuah cafe di Jogja sebagai cashier. Well, mungkin buat banyak orang yang mengenal aku, mereka menyayangkan keputusan ku kenapa mau bekerja cuma sebagai cashier di sebuah cafe yang gaji sebulannya pun gak seberapa, padahal hari kerjanya seminggu penuh. Bahkan ada juga temen rumah yang bilang, aku terlihat ngoyo dalam mencari uang, padahal jika ditilik lebih lanjut orang tua ku masih sangat cukup untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan ku, meski aku masih harus melanjutkan sekolah profesi :) Semua komentar mereka sering ku balas dengan senyum dan kubarengi dengan penjelasan bahwa aku saat ini masih melanjutkan kuliah profesi yang masih memerlukan concern yang lebih juga, dan kerja part-time adalah hal yang sangat memungkinkan untuk kulakukan daripada aku hanya diam di rumah :)

Well, kalo mau jujur, sebenarnya ada sedikit rasa minder juga dulu saat pertama kali bekerja disana, tapi kemudian ku tepis rasa itu karena aku yakin apapun jenis pekerjaannya, selama dilakukan dengan jalan yang halal dan niat baik, pasti akan memberikan pengalaman dan pelajaran yang bisa kita petik di masa depan :) Aku ingat salah satu pesan Om Mario Teguh dalam

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Finally I got my degree \(^.^)/

Hollaaaaaaaaaaa,,, good morning pals :) yeaaayyh, I'm in high tension today :) Finally,after these 4 years which are fulfilled with struggle, obstacles, tears, sweat, smile and laughs, yesterday, on 23rd of November, I was officially graduaded from Islamic University of Indonesia. Really happy since I was graduaded with cumlaude GPA, and yesterday was one of the big moments during my life :)

At that day, I was busy to prepare everything. Oy, I forgot to tell you that around 3 weeks after my thesis exam, I was applied to work in a cafe as part-time worker with position as a cashier. Nah, regarding with my graduation schedule, then I decided to took 3 days off from my work. I told my boss (the cafe owner) and my partner to substitute my position. Well, eventhough I have those 3 days off, but actually I was still busy with graduation matters such as for the rehearseal (we usually called it gladi bersih in bahasa) and (actually I was quite embarrased to tell it) looking for heels shoes >.< sadly, I've to tell you that I have no heels shoes to used in graduation ceremony since I usually wear sneaker for my daily activity. Well, back to the main topic, there are 2 kinds of rehearseal before the graduation day, the first one was on Thursday (2 days before)-special for those who got cumlaude GPA, then the second one was on Friday (a day before)-together with all of candidates from all faculties and departments.

In this graduation periode, there are 6 students who

Sunday, November 3, 2013

99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa (Perjalanan Menapaki Jejak Islam di Eropa)

Taken from: Google

Akhirnya,, setelah beberapa waktu yang lama, saya berhasil kembali ke pojok buku ini. Oke, dalam kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin berbagi mengenai isi buku 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa yang merupakan hasil goresan tangan putri dari seorang tokoh besar negeri ini, Hanum Salsabiela Rais dan suaminya, Rangga Almahendra; Yups, mbak Hanum ini merupakan putri dari Bapak Amien Rais :). Buku ini sudah saya beli sejak dua tahun yang lalu, tetapi sayangnya baru berhasil saya selesaikan membaca setahun setelah buku itu saya beli. Cukup malu rasanya mengingat saya hanya membutuhkan waktu 3-5 hari untuk menyelesaikan membaca novel series Harry Potter yang memiliki jumlah halaman lebih tebal daripada buku ini. Mmm, tapi bukankah lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak menyelesaikannya sama sekali? Hhe. Mengingat besar nya nilai yang terkandung dalam buku ini, maka dalam kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membaginya kepada kalian semua. Semoga setelah membaca review singkat buku ini mampu menyadarkan kita apa misi sesungguhnya atas penciptaan kita di muka bumi ini sebagai seorang muslim :) 

Buku 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa ini ditulis secara apik oleh mbak Hanum dan suaminya sebagai hasil perenungan dan perjalanan mereka selama tinggal di Eropa. Mengikuti sang suami yang berkesempatan mendapatkan beasiswa doktoral di Wina, Austria; Hanum menghabiskan waktu luangnya untuk menapaki jejak kebesaran Islam di masa silam sembari menunggu panggilan kerja di kampus sang suami. Awal dari perjalanan ini dimulai ketika ia berkenalan dengan seorang wanita Imigran Turki yang sudah tinggal terlebih dahulu di Austria selama 3 tahun bernama Fatma. Fatma merupakan kawan baru dalam kelas bahasa Jerman di sebuah kursus singkat yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah Austria yang menemaninya mengawali menyusuri jejak-jejak Islam di bumi Eropa. Perjalanan Hanum di mulai pertama kali dengan mengunjungi Kahlenberg, sebuah bukit atau pegunungan di Wina, Austria yang masih menjadi bagian kecil dari gugusan Alpen yang mengitari 7 negara Eropa. Dalam perjalanan mereka yang pertama itu mereka dipertemukan dengan sekelompok tourists yang dapat dikatakan menghina Islam dan kebudayaan Turki. Alih-alih berdebat dan membuat kekacauan di negeri orang, Fatma menunjukkan pada Hanum, bagaimana seorang muslim harus bertindak dan berperilaku, jelas bukan dengan kekerasan dan adu argument, tetapi dengan cinta kasih terhadap sesama makhluk ciptaan Tuhan. Sungguh sebuah contoh real dari sikap seorang muslim yang taat, rahmatan lil 'alamin :)

Dari Kahlenberg, selanjutnya kita akan diajak pula berkeliling mengunjungi Wien Stadt Museum, sebuah mueum kota

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Have been busy with my graduation things lately, then when I was looking back at my thesis which has been bounded, I realized that I wrote many words in my acknowledgment page to everyone who helped me during my struggle-thesis period :) Well, in order to show you all my gratitude to have you, I wanna share it here :)


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Alhamdulillahi rabbil’alamin. All praises and thanks belong to Allah. I pray toward the presence of abundant grace and the guidance to me so that I can be here finished my study and having great family, lecturer, friends, everyone and everything that always support me to finish this thesis. Shalawat dan greetings are always intended to my greatest prophet Muhammad SAW who has given light path to the salvation of the world and the hereafter.
This thesis is finally presented as partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain the bachelor degree in Accounting Department, International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia. During the process of composing this thesis, I realize that this thesis never can be finished without their help. Therefore, I would like to say thank you for every parties who take a part in giving contribution.
1.       Prof. Hadri Kusuma, MBA., as the Dean of Economic Faculty, Universitas Islam Indonesia.
2.       Drs. Anas Hidayat, MBA., Ph.D, as the Director of Business and Economics Department, International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia who at the same time is my beloved uncle who always inspires and encourages me to be more active and better student during these 4 years. Thank you for any supports to finish this thesis.
3.       Sigit Handoyo, S.E., M.Buss, as the Vice Director of Business and Economics Department, International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia who at the same time as my content advisor who always provide me his precious time to consult about my thesis. Thank you very much sir.
4.       Budi Tiara Novitasari, S.E, Ak as my language advisor who always patiently checking my bad English grammar, and even borrowed me some books as my literatures and references. You are the best mbak :)
5.       All of the staff of BEI UII corner, especially bu Erni. Thanks for your help and kindness to provide the raw data in order to complete this thesis. By the way,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Masih Pantaskah Kau Kusebut Teman?

Hebat memang, seseorang yang mengaku dirinya sebagai sahabat ataupun teman semenjak SMA, tapi tidak membalas saat dikirimkan sms permohonan maaf dan ucapan selamat Idul Fitri. Aku tetap berupaya berpositive thinking, mungkin tidak kau terima sms itu, dan kucoba tanyakan apakah no mu ganti. Ternyata no mu pun masih sama. Entah apa yang terjadi, kuulangi mengucapkanny lewat social media, tapi tetap tak kau balas, kupikir kau sedang sibuk.. yaa, sibuk dengan teman-temanmu yang baru.

Ketika kau akhirnya tau teman mu ini akhirnya berhasil menyelesaikan sidang skripsinya pun, tidak ada sepatah kata pun yang terucap meski hanya ucapan selamat. Tak apa, aku pikir kau pun mungkin sedang sibuk mengurus persiapan wisuda mu bersama dengan teman-teman mu yang sekarang.

Ingatkah kau ketika kau membutuhkan bantuan, bertanya tentang suatu hal dan kujawab "coba kau googling dulu" karena ketika itu aku sedang bersiap berangkat kerja, dan ketika malam harinya setelah pulang kutanya kan lagi apakah kau sudah mendapatkan yang kau cari, hingga berakhir akan janjiku untuk membantumu untuk mengirimkan nya segera melalui email. Tapi karena keterbatasan waktuku pun, aku mengirimkanny 2 hari setelah itu. Ku bantu kau dengan niat tulus dan kukabari setelah aku mengirimkannya, tapi ketika kabar itu sudah kau terima pun, tidak ada satu balasan ataupun ucapan terimakasih yang terucap dari mu, teman. Entah apa yang terjadi padamu, mungkin bagimu pertolongan seperti itu adalah hal kecil remeh dan telatnya aku mengirimkan nya merupakan sebuah masalah untukmu.

Sungguh bukan ucapan terimakasih yang aku inginkan, aku hanya berharap respon mu, yang menyebut dirimu sebagai teman. Apakah respon seperti itu yang selalu kau berikan pada teman-temanmu itu? ku rasa tidak. Dengan berbagai hal itu, masih pantas kah aku memanggil mu teman atau bahkan sahabat? Engkau datang ketika membutuhkan pertolongan, menanyaiku sesuatu hanya sebatas basa basi, dan pergi begitu saja ketika sudah mendapatkannya. Yayaya, mungkin aku yang salah. Salah karena telah mengizinkan pikiran negatif seperti itu terlintas dalam pikiranku. Tapi sungguh masih tersisa tanya yang besar dalam benakku, masih pantaskah ku sebut kau dengan panggilan teman?

Taken from Google Image

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Greatest Gift Ever :)

It's been almost a month since the last time I wrote something here. As I said in the previous post that I want to be more focus and make priority toward my thesis, then finally..finally God, I already completed it :) Thank you for everyone, everything that helped me to finish it. After a month full of struggle, haunt for my content advisor's sign, tried to make it complete here and there, and any other things that I can't mention anymore, finally, I had my thesis exam yesterday on 27th September 2013 \(^.^)/ Alhamdulillah

My friend told me that thesis exam isn't scary as compre exam, but well, for me, it was still quite scary. A week before the test, I've been worried who will be my examiner, then 4 days before the exam, the announcement about the test date and the examiner came out. I got Mr. Sugeng as the examiner. I think we were destined to be together *eh *lho, haha, that was because he was also became my examiner on my compre exam. In the end, I'm still grateful for having him as my examiner because actually he's kind lecturer even yeaayh, sometimes.. you know what I mean,,haha

Declared passed the thesis exam without revision is such a wonderful thing especially it was a day before my b'day. Thanks to Alloh SWT, all praises are belong to Him :) For me, this is the greatest gift that I've ever got during my life.

Looking back when I tried to finish it, and haunt for my content advisor's sign, those aren't easy as you hear. Well, those are steps that I have to pass, I guess. Whatever it takes, I've been succesfully completed all the steps to join in graduation ceremony next 2 months, on November :) Start from now on, I will start thinking about what I'am gonna do next because for me, being unemployment isn't a chooice. Well, life isn't stop here when I've finished my bachelor degree, the real life even just began from here. I know that life will never be easy, but as long as I have my only one God, I think I'm ready to face every obstacles that would appear in the future. In the end of my prayer I'm still whispering that I will achieve my dreams, even if it takes long time.

Oya, before I finish this post, I wanna say thank you for my best supporters Dwiky, Pandu, Rizka, Meutia, Rahma, and Tyas who come along in order to support me on my thesis exam, also to my others besties who sent me their chocolates, Sheylla and Lina, thank you for the toblerone(s), really wish you were here girls :)

Below is the picture just after I finished the thesis exam :)

In front of IP building with Dwiky, Pandu, Rizka, Meutia, and Rahma

Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy Graduation Teteh \(^.^)/

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy,, finally, after fought through these years to get S.E tittle, today one of my friends that I usually call Teteh was graduated from Uni. Congratulation for her *hug* Oya, teteh is a call from West Java to a woman there as a form of respect. Well then, since she is coming from Bogor which is part of West Java, then I prever to call her teteh Meutia :)

*sigh* how time flies really fast.. it was looked like yesterday we both made promise that we would graduate from this uni together, but now, you were graduated first before me :'( but that's ok, don't worry. I will follow you also to graduate this year. Looking back at your effort while doing your thesis research, it doesn't really surprise me if you finish your thesis less than 6 months. I remember, you told me that you really want to join the graduation ceremony on August when that sounds quite impossible for me since I still need long way to finish mine. I don't really know why you were really want to graduate on August, whether it was because you heard that your someone special will be graduated also on this month, or whether your Mom really want to see you graduate soon,, I don't really exactly know, but well, it really works to grant your wish :)

From now on, I will build more my spirit and leave all those unnecessary things behind, then make priority to my thesis. Your graduation woke me up and made me realize that I had a target to have thesis exam next month, on September. Even in the end we can't graduate together, but I wish, we both can achieve our dreams in the future.
For the last line I wanna say congratulation for your graduation day, you looked very beautiful today (i know you do beautiful, but today you're way more beautiful), you're precious, just being more confident, brave and believe toward yourself. Iam sure, you will achieve whatever dreams you want. Furthermore, thank you very much during these times, having you during my uni life also such a precious thing. Realize it or not, you have been influenced me to be someone better everyday :) I'm sure that I will miss you so much when you're not around anymore :'(

Below is the pictures on her thesis exam and her graduation day:

On her thesis exam day
(from left to right: Dwiky, Lumos, Tyas, me, Teteh Meutia, Rahma, Aul)

Took picture with others IP's mates :)

with me, Indeed :)

In front of Bumbu Desa with others

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cintaku Untukmu Negeri

Taken from: Google

Ketika menulis mengenai kemerdekaan negeri ini, tiba-tiba saja mengingatkanku pada sebuah lirik lagu yang diperkenalkan oleh iklan indosat sekitar 5 tahun yang lalu (2008). Sebuah iklan yang ditujukan untuk memperingati 100 tahun kebangkitan nasional. Sebuah lirik yang simple tapi cukup mengena dan mudah untuk diingat. Nah, untuk memperingati hari kemerdekaan negeri tercinta, aku ingin membaginya dengan kalian. Semoga dengan tulisan ini mampu membawa kembali semangat nasionalisme kita semua, meski mungkin hanya setaun sekali. Hayoo, masih adakah yang ingat? :) 

Oy, berhubung lirik ini aku kenal dari sebuah comercial break, maka credit adalah pemilik sang pengarang sepenuhnya :)

Indahnya Negeri tempatku berdiri
Berjuta warna di bumi pertiwi
Aku ingin terbang nan tinggi
Berbakti untukmu negeri~

Sejauh apapun hati melangkah,
Merah Putih kan slalu ku bela
Aku berjanji terus mengabdi
Cintaku untukmu negeri~

Jika kita mau memaknai lebih dalam mengenai lagu tersebut,

Friday, August 16, 2013

Happy Independence Day my Beloved Country!

Taken from: Google

Merah Putih teruslah kau berkibar
Di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini
Merah Putih teruslah kau berkibar
Di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini
Merah Putih teruslah kau berkibar~
Ku kan slalu menjagamu~
(Coklat Band-Bendera)

Aaaah, sepenggal lirik lagu yang mampu membuat ku mengharu biru, mengobarkan kembali rasa nasionalisme yang sering kali terkikis karena malu melihat tingkah laku para pemimpin korup yang hanya memikirkan diri sendiri untuk memenuhi pundi pundi uang mereka. Enam puluh delapan tahun sudah kita merdeka, menyatakan diri sebagai negara mandiri yang bebas dari penjajahan kasat mata bangsa manapun. Enam puluh delapan tahun bukanlah waktu yang sebentar jika ia diibaratkan sebagai manusia karena ia telah memasuki usia senja, tapi enam puluh delapan tahun masihlah waktu yang sempit bagi sebuah negara yang pernah terjajah selama lebih dari 3.5 abad.

Tanah air ku tercinta Indonesia, enam puluh delapan tahun sudah engkau berdiri tegak sebagai bangsa merdeka yang kedudukannya sejajar dengan bangsa-bangsa merdeka lainnya. Sejarah menuliskan telah banyak peristiwa terukir dan juga tak sedikit tumpah darah para pahlawan demi mencapai kemerdekaan dan kondisi Indonesia saat ini. 

Masih ingatkah kita akan cita-cita para pahlawan dahulu, para pendiri negeri ini yang telah lebih dulu menghadap sang Khalik?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Kazoku Game-家族ゲーム

Taken from Google

Already finished watch Sho's newest dorama, I want to share the review since I think this dorama was really interesting. This is the first time for Sho-chan was appeared in the dorama played like an psycho. Well, before I start the review, I want to share a little story about my struggle to get this dorama.Hhe :)

Watched the trailer for the first time only made me more curios about the story. The problem came out when I realized that I'm not really good with the downloading stuffs including find the best sources or LJ to get the dorama. I decided to wait it until it come in warnet. Some moments ago, when I went to warnet, finally, I got it, but unluckily, there were only 4 episodes that available while the number of total episode was 10 >.<  watched 4 episodes only made me felt more curios to get the rest since I want to know the end of the story. I only have 2 choices, first,I've to wait it till it is updated by the warnet or ask the copy from my Japanese class's friend. Since the first choice is looked like would take such long time, then I tried to call my friend, but then sadly, she was really busy and it sounds impossible to meet her nowdays, she said that she would be free nearly Ied Mubaraq. Well, since that was the most possible way to get the dorama, I'm patiently wait till the moment is come. Then, here I am tonight, already finished watch the rest episodes\(^.^)/ yattaaa..

Oke, fine. Lets back to our business tonight, about the review of this dorama :) According to the information that I got, Kazoku Game (Family Game) dorama was adapted from a novel which is written by Honma Yohei that has been made for the movie and television series around 30 years ago. In 2013, it was returned and aired on Fuji Tv around 17th April 2013 till 19th June 2013. This movie is about the family and school's problems that (maybe actually) happened in our environtment. The story goes when

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fly Me To The Moon-Frank Sinatra

Taken from: Google

Has been existed in my playlist for long enough time, I want to share it to you :) It is kinda a romantic song, I think. I love this song since the lyric is very simple, yet still has deep meaning. It consist of every words that tried to tell to our someone special, kinda a confession :)

Hmm..little bit story about it, Fly Me to the Moon is a popular song which is written by Bart Howard in 1954. It was originally has tittle In Other Words and was introduced by Felicia Sanders in cabaret. According to wikipedia, this song become more popular and changed into Fly Me to the Moon from the first line of the B verse, then after a few years, the publishers was officially changed the tittle. Oy, although the song has been recorded by many artists over the years, but it is most closely identifed with Frank Sinatra . Well, I'll put the lyric below then :) 

Fly Me to the Moon-Frank Sinatra

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Tokyo Zodiac Murders

Taken from: Google

Setelah beberapa waktu yg lalu sharing tentang buku yg bersifat keagamaan karya ust Felix Siaw yg diikuti dengan buku kumpulan cerpen cinta karya Dee, kali ini aku akan berbagi mengenai sebuah buku, lebih tepatnya novel yg genre nya telah menjadi favoritku sejak kecil, yaitu detektif atau yg biasa dikenal dengan logic mystery :)

Jika bicara mengenai genre buku yg satu ini, maka sudah jelas kasus-kasus yg berusaha di ungkap dalam buku ini tidak akan jauh dari kasus pembunuhan. Meski bersifat fiktif seperti halnya berbagai kisah mystery detektif lainnya, tapi buku dengan genre seperti ini tidak pernah membuatku bosan untuk terus menyimaknya. Sejalan dengan karya para penulis logic mystery lainnya yg menawarkan misteri sebuah kisah pembunuhan yg perlu diungkap oleh seorang detektif eksentrik, novel karya Soji Shimada ini pun tampil dengan menawarkan kisah pembunuhan yang dilatarbelakangi oleh kehidupan masyarakat Jepang tempo dulu, dimana kisah ini dimulai pada musim salju tahun 1936 ketika seorang seniman ditemukan tewas di balik pintu studionya yg terkunci di kota Tokyo. Polisi pun menemukan surat wasiat aneh yg memaparkan rencananya untuk menciptakan Azoth -sang wanita sempurna- dari potongan-potongan tubuh para wanita muda kerabatnya. Tak lama berselang sesudah itu, putri tertuanya pun dibunuh, lalu putri-putrinya yg lain serta keponakan-keponakan perempuannya pun tiba-tiba turut menghilang. Satu per satu mayat mereka yg termutilasi pun akhirnya ditemukan, dan semua dikubur sesuai dengan prinsip astrologi yg diuraikan oleh sang seniman di dalam surat wasiatnya. Pembantaian misterius itupun mengguncang seluruh Jepang, menyibukkan berbagai pihak berwenang dan

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Keep Kalem

Taken from google

nobody said skripsi was easy....but nobody said it was impossible

*menyemangati diri sendiri*

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Taken from Google


I put my armour down and leave the battle ground
Dont care what they'll say to me
I cant do this anymore
I'm officially done trying, so it's your turn now
If you want me in your life, you can find me, yes you can find me
Until then, juts continue act like you dont care at all
One thing that you should know is I would not be stay here forever

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Teruntuk Sahabatku

Taken from Google

Kadang aku memilih diam dan tak bertanya, karena aku ingin kau lebih terbuka padaku
Tak pernah terlintas pikiran jelek tentangmu karena bagiku engkaulah sahabatku
Aku selalu meyakinkan diriku, mungkin kau belum siap membaginya padaku
Dan mungkin memang tepat keputusanmu, karena aku pun tidak bisa membantumu apa-apa
Karena, dalam kondisi seperti ini pun, aku masih tidak tahu cara yang tepat untuk menghiburmu

Aku tahu sedihmu begitu dalam, karena luka yang dia torehkan pun begitu menyakitkan
Kisah kalian selama 2 tahun ini pun terasa singkat
Bahkan semua terasa tidak pernah ada baginya
Tapi, tetaplah bangkit kawan, karena sungguh engkau sangat berharga

Dia yang tidak mampu menghargai ketulusanmu
Dia yang tidak  mampu menghargai kasih sayangmu
Dia juga lah yang kelak akan merugi karena kehilanganmu

Doaku malam ini, kuharap engkau mampu terlelap
Istirahatkanlah pikiranmu karena masih banyak hari yang menunggu untuk kau jelang
Satu hal yang perlu kuyakinkan padamu bahwa sungguh engkau sangat berharga
Janganlah terlalu lama menangisi kepergiannya, karena ku yakin kelak kau akan mendapatkan seseorang yang lebih baik darinya

Aku tahu kau bisa karena aku tahu kau wanita hebat

Monday, July 1, 2013

Bima Satria Garuda

Taken from Google

Woyaaaaa,,,who watched the first episode of Indonesia Tokusatsu-Bima Satria Garuda yesterday? Yeaaayy,,I watched it :) been curious since the premier broadcasted in tv, finally I watch the first episode :)
Well, as reported in , started 30th June 2013, Indonesia's MNC and Japan Ishimori Production was started airing Indonesia's latest tokusatsu hero, "Bima Satria Garuda" or Bima the Garuda Warrior. 

The story goes when VUDO-the evil organization- that led by Rasputin came from parallel universe to steal Earth's natural resources like oxygen, water, and sunlight. Furthermore, Ray- a young man from Earth- was chosen to be a hero to protect the Earth. He can transform his self into Bima Satria Garuda by using the Red Power Stone that given by the mysterious man who called Mikhail.

As the main character, Ray Bramasakti is pictured as an orphan that honest and quiet. He is working as a technician in Satria Motor. He has close friends Randy and Rena, whereas Rena is Randy's younger sister. Oya, Bima was played by Christian Loho, then Rena played by Stella Cornelia (JKT48), while Randy played by Rayhan Febrian. For Mikhail's character, it was played by Ashitya Alkatiri, and Rasputin was played by Sutan Simatupang. According to the story,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Boa - Every Heart

Taken from Google

Come again tonight after disappear for awhile :) bring another song to share to you this time. For you who was born in 90's gonna recognize this song easily since it become original soundtrack of hit anime at that time-Inuyasha :)

Every heart or usually known as Minna no Kimochi or Eeveryone's feeling is Boa's fifth single. It was featured on Inuyasha as the fourth ending theme song. It was released on the same day as Boa's Japanese debut album-Listen to My Heart.

Listen to this song reminds me about my childhood. I still remember how I really love to watch anime in Tv, especially inuyasha. Patiently wait for the next episode, then had frustated feeling when I did not watch it. I dont really know the meaning of this song at that time, all that I concern is I like the music and even the singer (Boa) looked very beautiful :) Although I cannot spell the Japanese word correctly, but I was tried my best to sang this song. How I really miss that time :)

Well, this time I'm gonna share to you about one of my favorite old songs. Re-play it recently make me realize how old I am today. Haha
Oya, this song was also translated into english, but since I love the original version most, I'll put the original one below. For you who want to find the english version, please visit English Version

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Taken from Google

Huwaaa,,gak kerasa sudah malam minggu lagi. Waktunya berbagi post untuk book corner :) Well, seperti gambar yang nampang di atas, kali ini aku pengen berbagi mengenai buku karangan Dewi Lestari yang kita kenal dengan nama pena Dee. Seperti yang sudah kita tahu bahwa 'mbak' Dee ini seorang novelis papan atas Indonesia yang telah lebih dulu dikenal melalui serial novel supernovanya, Ksatria, Putri dan Bintang Jatuh, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Akar, Petir, dan Partikel. Selain itu, karya nya yang lain pun dapat kita nikmati dalam novel Perahu Kertas, Madre, dan Filosofi Kopi.

Menyimak setiap karya mbak Dee selalu terasa menarik buatku karena setiap karyanya selalu disampaikan dalam gaya bahasa yang apik yang menurutku terasa begitu romantis dan sangat berbau sastra. Sudah cukup lama rasanya aku ingin berbagi mengenai buku ini, hanya saja mungkin Tuhan baru memberi kesempatannya saat ini :)

Rectoverso diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 2008 yang terdiri dari 11 cerita pendek, seperti Curhat Buat Sahabat, Malaikat Juga Tahu, Selamat Ulang Tahun, Aku Ada, Hanya Isyarat, Peluk, Grow a Day Older, Cecak di Dinding, Firasat, Tidur, dan Back to Heaven's Light. Oya, lima kisah diantara cerpen-cerpen tersebut telah bertranformasi dalam bentuk film yang berjudul sama-Rectoverso- yang telah resmi di release pada bulan Februari 2013 silam. Buku ini makin terasa special dengan adanya album mbak Dee itu sendiri, dimana seakan-akan lirik-lirik lagu tersebut mampu memberikan keutuhan kepada cerita-cerita pendek yang penulis sampaikan, membuai pembaca dan mengajaknya ikut masuk ke dalam cerita, merasakan apa yang dirasakan oleh tokoh dalam cerita. Menurutku, Rectoverso merupakan sebuah karya yang luar biasa dimana buku dan musik terbukti mampu berkolaborasi dan menyentuh setiap hati pembacanya :)

Dari kesebelas cerita tersebut, Curhat Buat Sahabat, Malaikat juga Tahu, Aku Ada, Hanya Isyarat, dan Firasat merupakan cerpen-cerpen yang menjadi favoritku, meskipun-tetap-aku menyukai semua cerpen yang ada di novel tersebut :)  Hanya Isyarat adalah cerpen yang aku rasa yang paling bisa menyentuh hatiku. Aku menyukai bagian di mana sang tokoh utama (wanita) mendapatkan giliran untuk berbagi cerita, dan menceritakan mengenai punggung ayam, hingga ia akhirnya berkata,

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

3 A.M (Thailand Horor Movie)

Taken from Google

Good night,another late post tonight :) Hmm,,since I really love watch horror movie recently, tonight I want to share a Thailand horror-movie that recommended by my friend. Since long time ago we knew that Asia countries, especially Thailand, Japan, or Korea always success in making horror movies by show us their scary ghosts. You can prove it by watch some movies from those countries, such as shutter, ju-on, the grudge, and any other horor movies that I forgot the tittle :) If I've to choose between western horror movies and Asia horror movies, still, for me, with no more doubt and hesitation, I'll stand for Asia horror movies, because it much..much..much..more scary than Western horror movie :)

Concern to our topic now, 3 A.M is a Thai horror short film. It consist of 3 horror stories, they are Horror Head, Bridal House of the Dead and O.T (Overtime). This movie was released on 22nd November, 2012, and directed by Pussanont Tummajira, Kirati Naklntanont, and Isara Nadee. 

I think there is a question that comes up in your mind, why it is called 3 A.M? Acoording to this movie, those spooky experiences are happened when the time was at 3 A.M. I also have been heard that according to the myth, the ghosts are in their most powerfull condition at 3 a.m , that is why they usually appear at that time. Nah, that myth that was tried to share  by the director  in this movie. 

Now let me share a little bit of those 3 horror stories in this movie. The first one is Horor Head. It is told about 2 sisters that were left by their parent on Vacation in China and have to run their family business, a wig shop. Then someday, a customer comes and offers to sell human hair with great quality, without having knowledge that the hair was illegally cut from a female corpse who committed suicide. Jeng jeng jeng..what will happen next? I think you can guess it, right? :)

Jump to the second story, it was about the junior morticiant Tod who assigned to be stationed in the bridal home of Mike and Cherry,

Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Graduation Guys :)

Another late post again tonight...Hmm,,this time I'm gonna share to you the moment of my friends' graduation-please dont ask me why I haven't garduate yet. Well, the graduation ceremony was divided into some period, for this year, the first periode was on March, and the second was on 1st of June. Oya, those are that graduated from Accounting department on March was Peppy and Lina, while on June there was Pandu, Sheylla, and Kiky. They all were graduated cumlaude \(^.^)/ Yeaaay,,congratulation!!

*sigh* Never thought that time flies really fast. Still remember the first time I met them in BP (Bridging Class), started being friend and getting closer everyday, spend this 4 years with many laugh, stories, and any other things. Hmm,,see them now, leave me here and graduate first from the uni..hoho. Don't worry, that was really oke. I hope you guys will achieve your dream after graduate from our beloved uni. Just like what Adele said, "I wish nothing but the best for you too" haha. Please keep in touch guys, I'm gonna really miss you all :)

Almost forget to mention that actually at that time we were also made surprise for Tyas' b'day :) Ok then, let's see the pictures below :)

March Period

Kiki, Sheylla, Lina, Tyas, Lumos, Meutia, me, and Rizka

With Jihat (Management Department)

Astri, Sheylla, Meutia, Rahma, Peppy, Tyas, Rizka, me, and Lumos

June Period

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Udah Putusin Aja!

Taken From Google

Eaaaaakk,, Malem minggu nih guys :) ada yang bilang malem minggu itu waktunya galau para jomblo. Banyak banget bahasan yang muncul di timeline twitter tiap kali akhir minggu menjelang, contohnya, malam ini mau ke mana? makan di mana? atau kalau nggak, pasti penuh dengan tweet para jomblo yang galau, yang biasanya juga diikuti dengan ejekan buat para jomblo yang tiap malem minggu kerjaannya cuma nongkrong di depan laptop, hhe,, but dont worry guys, you're not alone, coz the writer of this blog is a jomblo also :) 

Seperti yang udah aku bilang di postingan sebelumnya kalau mulai bulan Juni ini aku bakal buat resensi atau review dari buku-buku yang udah pernah aku baca dan menurutku bagus untuk di share. Special for tonight, aku bakal ngebahas tentang buku karya ustad Felix Y.Siauw yang lagi tren akhir-akhir ini. Emm,,udah pada tau kan ya siapa ustad ganteng yang satu ini? Terlahir dalam keluarga yang tidak menganut agama Islam, ustad Felix berusaha mencari tentang kebenaran hakiki Tuhan. Melalui perjuangan yang cukup lama dan panjang, akhirnya beliau memutuskan untuk menganut Islam dan berusaha menjadi muslim yang kaffah. Naah,,buat cerita lebih detailnya kalian bisa buka blog tetangga yang menulis tentang masa-masa pencarian Ustad Felix :) Ustad Felix's story atau juga sekalian langsung kunjungi blog ustad Felix Islamic Inspirator: Felix Siauw :)

Oke, balik ke topik utama mengenai buku yang berjudul unik ini :) Buku Udah Putusin Aja! merupakan

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Heart Attack - Demi Lovato

Taken from Google

Howaaaaaaaa,,too many good songs that I really want to share to you. Tonight I'll make post about Demi Lovato's song which is called as Heart Attack. This song was released on 24th February 2013 as the lead single from her new album. It was written by Sean Douglas, Nikki Williams, Aaron Philips and her. William said that the song is about him that being really scared to fall in love again after being rejected, after feeling so fragile and vulnerable all the time, and thinking that he doesnt know if he ca do that again.

Below I put the lyric and link that will easier you to find the video :)

Lyric Song of Heart Attack

Puttin’ my defences up
‘Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
If I ever did that
I think I’d have a heart attack

Never put my love out on the line
Never said yes to the right guy
Never had trouble getting what I want
But when it comes to you, I’m never good enough

When I don’t care
I can play ‘em like a Ken doll
Won’t wash my hair
Then make 'em bounce like a basketball

But you make me wanna act like a girl
Paint my nails and wear high heels
Yes, you make me so nervous
And I just can’t hold your hand

You make me glow, but I cover up
Won’t let it show, so I’m

Puttin’ my defences up
'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
If I ever did that
I think I’d have a heart attack [x3]

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mirrors - Justin Timberlake

Taken from Google

Hollaaa,,come again with another song tonight :) As you see in the top, this time I'm going to share to you about the new song from Justin Timberlake. Oke then, little bit story about this song. It was released on 1st February 2013 as the album's second single. So, its lyric tell about a lover's "other half" after having taken a break in their relationship. Through this song the man finally realized that his lover is his real soulmate that can pictured as a mirror that reflect his self. 

Honestly, I'm not a big fans of JT, but since I subscribe Sam Tsui's channel on Youtube, I found out his video which is covering "Mirrors", and as usual, Sam Tsui only needs a second to make me love his work. Furthermore, I was download the original song which is sung by Justin Timberlake. You can guess what happened next, I put it in my playlist and replay it all night long. Haha

So, please just check it out. Oy, I provide 2 links that will easier you to find the video. I put the original version from JT and also put the covering version from Sam, so you can enjoy it both :) lyric is below

by Justin Timberlake

Aren't you somethin' to admire?
Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror
And I can't help but notice
You reflect in this heart of mine
If you ever feel alone and
The glare makes me hard to find
Just know that I'm always
Parallel on the other side

Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go
Just put your hand on the glass
I'll be tryin' to pull you through
You just gotta be strong

'Cause I don't wanna lose you now
I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy
Comin' back here to you once I figured it out
You were right here all along

Monday, June 3, 2013

Love at the First Sight

Taken from Google

Howaaaaa,,,selamat malam universe..come with another tittle to post tonight :)
Hmm,,menengok keadaan TL malam minggu kemarin yang cukup penuh dengan para jomblo (termasuk saya), tiba-tiba aja dapet ide buat nulis tentang love at the first sight atau yang biasa disebut dengan cinta pada pandangan pertama. Nah, pasti udah sering denger donk ya dengan kata-kata love at the first sight?  Gambar di atas itu salah satu scene yang biasanya kita liat di tivi-tivi mengenai awal pertemuan yang bikin timbulnya cinta pada pandangan pertama. Kalian para penggemar FTV pasti hapal deh. Betul gak?Hhe. So, pertanyaanku adalah pernah gak kalian mengalami hal itu?

For me, personally, aku belum pernah ngalamin hal itu. Emm,,gak tau kenapa ya..Tapi kalau menurutku, Love at the First Sight itu cuma perasaan sesaat yg secara gaib bisa datang dan tiba" juga bakal ilang seiring berjalannya waktu. Kok bisa?! Karena menurutku cinta pada pandangan pertama itu cuma berdasarkan pada ketertarikan fisik semata. Dari kata-kata "pandangan pertama" aja kita bisa tarik kesimpulan kalau rasa cinta atau perasaan yang timbul pada saat itu karena mata/pandangan kita menangkap adanya sebuah benda/bentuk/sebut saja makhluk ciptaan tuhan (dalam hal ini manusia) yang cantik/indah rupanya. 

Tenang,,tenang..gak ada yang salah kok kalau kita mencintai/menyukai/menyayangi seseorang karena kecantikan atau kegantengan-nya :) aku juga bahkan suka

Saturday, June 1, 2013

New Corner for Books :)

Yiiihaaaaaaaaa,,starting this month, I'm gonna add the new corner that I'll call as Book Corner. This corner will cointain of books review that I've been read and being my favorite, so then it can help you to find the good book to spent in your leisure time :)

I love books soooo much. I've been collected many books since I was kid. I think that habbit was derived by my father since he also really likes to read books. He even has his own library that contains with many kind of books. Even we have similar hobby (really like to read books) but I'm a bit different with my father because I prefer to read manga and novel than any other books genre. Yet my father said it doesnt matter, as long as I still keep reading the books. That's why I want to share my favorite books to you. Hope you will like it and also it can give you direction to choose the right books :) Wait for the post then :)

Taken from Google

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy B'day and Congratulation Lumos

Huwaaaaa,,this month is very precious for my friend- Lumos, surely! He was celebrated his 22nd age on 24th May and finally, offically passed the compre exam 2 days ago on 27th May..YEAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY \m/ Congratulation for the happiness that you got during this month then \(^.^)/

Actually we (me and my friends) have been planned to give him surprise by giving his favorite donuts (Jco) just after he finished his test, but unfortunately there is an incident that force us to postone the surprise, like the donuts were left in the IP room management that has been locked. Haha. I think that was really funny and never  been easy to forget :) Because of that incident, we decided to give the surprise in the next morning. The planning  was so simple, we would only suddenly came to his house while brought a box of Jco donuts that has been completed with some candles and greeting memo from us. We dont even really care about the possibility that he (maybe) would go somewhere at that day, we directly gone to his house. Alhamdulillah, fortunately he was staying at home, furthermore we come into his house while singing Happy B'day song :) yeeeeeeaaaaahh

Below, i put the pictures for those moments :)

The Examinees with others :)

The examinees @HariLumos @adeladelia and mas Gery

Happ..Happy B'day Hari aka Lumos \(^.^)/

With us: @Meutiarahma , me, Tyas, @riizka, @FranksieNumb8
 @HariLumos and @linatrianitaa :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Arashi's New Single-Endless Game

Oooo-haaaa-youuu minna!!!This morning, I wanna share to you the short version of Arashi's new single with tittle Endless Game. The picture above is the cover of this single. It will be released on 29th may 2013 \(^.^)/ This single is used as the original soundtract of Sho's newest drama which is called Kazoku Game.
I want to put the video below, but I think there're some problems between this blog and youtube, so I'll put the link that will help you to find it :) The videos are not owned by me.

*p.s :To get the lyric of that single, you can visit ENDLESS GAME

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Gokusen (J-Drama)

Taken from Google

Still wondering actually, should I still make post about it or not since this dorama is very famous until today. But then consider about what I have mentioned in the head page of this blog that I will share about everything that I really like here, then I decided to still posting it tonight. For you who loves Japanese dramas and movies, I bet you knew about it. Haha. I watched it for the first time around middle of 2009, just after my senior told me about this drama.

I still remember at that time I was an voluntary teacher (together with some of my friends) from my organization campus-IPF for the kids that became the victim of vulcanic eruption in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta. Since I've no basic to teach the elementary students, I had problem then. I have no idea what I should do to make them be focus on the material that I gave to them. I was telling that (curhat) to my senior who at that time has position as the head of division, then he advised me to be more patience and more understanding them, as we know that they are just kids whereas we know that most of kids are prefer to playing around than studying. Then in the end of chat he asked me to watch that drama, he said that maybe I can learn how to teach the students in better way by watching it. Haha. Yes, that was the first time I knew about it, and he was right. It was very good dorama :)

Gokusen is a manga series which is

Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy Wedding My Lovely Cousin \(^.^)/

Hmmmm,,,look around what I'm gonna do now, wanna forget my Chapter 2-skrip"sweet" :)  and decided to spent the rest of this night to blogging..huakakakaka *close my Chapter 2-skrip"sweet" directly*. So, tonight I wanna share about my story when I was coming into my cousin's wedding, around 2 weeks ago. I was joint there as keeper for guest book with one of my cousin- @fauziadarojati who usually called Usi. Oy, before I start the story, I want to greeting my cousin first *big smiling* , Happy Wedding Mbak Rizka \(^.^)/ congratulation for your wedding ceremony, hope you'll have sakinah mawadah warahmah family, can't wait for you having a baby#eh #lho ..hahaha 

Ok, back to our business, the wedding was held on 21th of April 2013 in Jakarta-since she is living there. The problem was came up because me and some other families living in different city (Yogyakarta). Since Jakarta-Yogyakarta isn't close enough, there are some choices of transportations that we would use. The choices are between  by train or plane.  Since the families who lived in Yogyakarta quite alot, then that was sounds impossible to go to by plane, then we divided into 2 groups, the 1st group is a group which came there 2 days before the date by train, and the 2nd group is a group which came there a day before it, and I was in the 2nd group with my dad, mom, and older brother :)

Make it short,

Saturday, May 4, 2013

What my Heart Wants to Say (Gareth Gates)

Picture Taken from Google

I re-opened some of my old songs collection, then found out good song that has deep feeling,,haiah..hahaha. As the tittle above, the song title is what my heart wants to say which is sung by Gareth Gates. Look behind in 2002, this song is Gareth Gate's debut album that was released on 26 October 2002. Even that was long time ago, but I hope that you still remember his name. Hehe. Gareth Gates was the runner-up of the first series Pop Idol (American Idol). So, this time I wanna share to you about this song. For you girls or boys who are in love and can't convey the words, I think through this song you can say what your heart really want to say because it can reflect your feeling well indirectly. Enjoy it then :)

 Credit: YouTube

What My Heart Want To Say
by Gareth Gates

You're amazing
So amazing
Have I told you

You're my angel
Guardian Angel
God knows I've been blessed with love

But if I'd be gone tomorrow
Would you know how deep my love goes
Have I ever told you
You're the one

If the words don't come my way
Hope it still love
Hope it still shows
If the words don't come my way
Hope you still know
What my heart want to say

A love so tender
I surrender
To this feeling
So true

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Homeless Student (J-Movie)

The Movie Cover (Picture Taken from Google)

Hueeee,,it's been May now. This month I have a deadline to finish the chapter 1 and 2 of my thesis. Since we are still in the beginning of May, so let's forget a while about my thesis and spent this weekend by watching some movies..yeaaaayy \(^.^)/

Hmm,,some moments ago, I watched a Movie (Japanese Movie) with tittle The Homeless Student. According to the tittle, I thought that the storyline gonna be fulfilled by tears and emotions, but I was wrong. Even there are some scenes that will bring your tears out, but it also consist of funny scenes that will make you laugh :) When I watched the movie, I never thought that the story is based on the true story. I was really surprised when I know that the movie is taken from the otobiography of comedian Japan-Hiroshi Tamura who are really famous :) In his autobiography, Tamura wrote that he was homeless during his high school days after the breakup of his parents. He lived in a public park at night, going through such hardship like eating the cardboard paper for food, looking for a better place to stay when there was raining, rarely taking bath, and any other hardship life.

Starred by Teppei Koike, Akihiro Nishino, Chizuru Ikewaki as the lead artists, the story goes when Hiroshi Tamura comes up home and found out the yellow tape on his house entrance. He was trying to open the door but it is locked. He has no other choice unless keep waiting for his older sister Sachiko Tamura (Chizuru Ikewaki), and oldest brother Kenichi Tamura (Akihiro Nishino). When his older sister and oldest brother were coming, they also not know about what exactly happening. Then finally, their father was coming and told them that they can't live there anymore, their home have been seized by money lenders, and starting that day, they have to live by their self. After give such an absurd announcement, he left his sons away, such an irresponsibility father. Nah, worries that he just gonna be burden to his oldest brother, Hiroshi lied and told his brother that he will stay for a while in his friend's house whereas in the fact, Hiroshi was lived in public park :'(

This movie not only talk about Hiroshi's struggle to stay alive

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Good Job Girl \(^.^)/

Finally, this is the last series of my friends exam period...Yeaaaayyhh..Congratz to everyone that has passed the exam succesfully :) As I mentioned before in the previous post that Tyas will be the last person that will face the compre exam , so today was the day. Today was Tyas's turn in joining it, then as expected before, she passed the exam..yeaaaayyy. Congratulation for you girl \(^.^)/ One by one you've cleared the steps.

If I looked back then, I still remember around a week ago, still went to your cafe to joint you guys while study for the exam. Aaaah,,I miss your lontar cake#eh hahaha. Actually I missed those some moments when  four of you study together that usually ended up by Rahma's curhat..haha. "Go "banckrupt" your Company soon ma" that thing which I usually say to her :p 

Since you've passed compre exam, now you can more focus on your thesis. Really hope that we can graduate together this year. Keep spirit to finish our thesis soon, and dont ever be lazy to meet Mr.Sigit to have consultation. Ganbarimasho (^.^)9

In front of IP Building

With others :)