Have been busy with my graduation things lately, then when I was looking back at my thesis which has been bounded, I realized that I wrote many words in my acknowledgment page to everyone who helped me during my struggle-thesis period :) Well, in order to show you all my gratitude to have you, I wanna share it here :)
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Alhamdulillahi rabbil’alamin. All praises and thanks belong
to Allah. I pray toward the presence of abundant grace and the guidance to me
so that I can be here finished my study and having great family, lecturer,
friends, everyone and everything that always support me to finish this thesis.
Shalawat dan greetings are always intended to my greatest prophet Muhammad SAW
who has given light path to the salvation of the world and the hereafter.
This thesis is finally presented as partial fulfillment of
the requirement to obtain the bachelor degree in Accounting Department,
International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia. During the process of
composing this thesis, I realize that this thesis never can be finished without
their help. Therefore, I would like to say thank you for every parties who take
a part in giving contribution.
Prof. Hadri Kusuma, MBA., as the Dean of
Economic Faculty, Universitas Islam Indonesia.
Drs. Anas Hidayat, MBA., Ph.D, as the Director
of Business and Economics Department, International Program, Universitas Islam
Indonesia who at the same time is my beloved uncle who always inspires and
encourages me to be more active and better student during these 4 years. Thank
you for any supports to finish this thesis.
Sigit Handoyo, S.E., M.Buss, as the Vice
Director of Business and Economics Department, International Program,
Universitas Islam Indonesia who at the same time as my content advisor who
always provide me his precious time to consult about my thesis. Thank you very
much sir.
Budi Tiara Novitasari, S.E, Ak as my language
advisor who always patiently checking my bad English grammar, and even borrowed
me some books as my literatures and references. You are the best mbak :)
All of the staff of BEI UII corner, especially
bu Erni. Thanks for your help and kindness to provide the raw data in order to
complete this thesis. By the way,