Thursday, October 31, 2013


Have been busy with my graduation things lately, then when I was looking back at my thesis which has been bounded, I realized that I wrote many words in my acknowledgment page to everyone who helped me during my struggle-thesis period :) Well, in order to show you all my gratitude to have you, I wanna share it here :)


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Alhamdulillahi rabbil’alamin. All praises and thanks belong to Allah. I pray toward the presence of abundant grace and the guidance to me so that I can be here finished my study and having great family, lecturer, friends, everyone and everything that always support me to finish this thesis. Shalawat dan greetings are always intended to my greatest prophet Muhammad SAW who has given light path to the salvation of the world and the hereafter.
This thesis is finally presented as partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain the bachelor degree in Accounting Department, International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia. During the process of composing this thesis, I realize that this thesis never can be finished without their help. Therefore, I would like to say thank you for every parties who take a part in giving contribution.
1.       Prof. Hadri Kusuma, MBA., as the Dean of Economic Faculty, Universitas Islam Indonesia.
2.       Drs. Anas Hidayat, MBA., Ph.D, as the Director of Business and Economics Department, International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia who at the same time is my beloved uncle who always inspires and encourages me to be more active and better student during these 4 years. Thank you for any supports to finish this thesis.
3.       Sigit Handoyo, S.E., M.Buss, as the Vice Director of Business and Economics Department, International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia who at the same time as my content advisor who always provide me his precious time to consult about my thesis. Thank you very much sir.
4.       Budi Tiara Novitasari, S.E, Ak as my language advisor who always patiently checking my bad English grammar, and even borrowed me some books as my literatures and references. You are the best mbak :)
5.       All of the staff of BEI UII corner, especially bu Erni. Thanks for your help and kindness to provide the raw data in order to complete this thesis. By the way,

I still have huge stock of movies that I can offer to you mam :p
6.       Pandu Seta as my “unofficial” content advisor and one of my konco kenthel. Thanks for being very kind, helpful and always be there whenever I need your help. You are very good person, I will always pray for your successfulness :)
7.       Pak Ahmad, Mbak Alfi, Pak Irwan, Mas Kandri, Pak Kus, Mbak Chandri Negara-as becoming the role model of IP’s babes- and other International Program Business and Economic Department academic staffs who helped me to find reliable information and dealing with the academic matters and even treated me like their family since I have been here.
8.       My superb parents, My-role-model-beloved-father Drs. H. Sudodo, M.M , and the number one mom in the world, my beloved mom Hj. Tri Sulistyo Utami, S.E , billion of thanks for your both support, prayer, and everything. Finally dad, mom I made it \(^.^)/ Thank you very much for being the greatest parent ever. I know that those bunch of thanks still cannot represent my love and gratefulness to have you both, but I hope that this thesis can show you both my little tiny gratitude since, I dedicate it only for both of you. I am promise that I will always do my best to make you both proud of me.
9.       My-annoying-absurd-older-brother, Muhammad Siddiq Afianto, S.Par, S.Kom, who always support me in his own ways which coloring my days. Thanks for always trying to be the best older brother ever. I do love you broth.
10.   My big family, H. M. Annas Soesiloatmodjo’s big family and H. Hadi Prayitno’s big family. My pakdhe(s), budhe(s), uncle(s), aunty(s), and cousin(s). Many thanks for your prayer, support, encourages, and joys during all these times.
11.   My bestiest and konco kenthel that always being lovable friends in joy and galau times  who  made my uni life during these 4 years very amazing:
·         The-sholehah-one, Meutia Rahma. Thanks for always provide me your boarding house to take a nap and share my daily stories. Realize it or not, from everything that we had during these 4 years, you have influenced me to be someone better every day. Thanks for always being my number one supporter :)
·         The-busiest-auditor-wannabe, Theresia Sheylla Yunani. Thanks for always inform me many places to find delicious dishes and even provide us your boarding house to gather with. I really miss that moment when we watched horror movie together. Furthermore, I hope someday you will find your “pothok” and hug-able man that will complete your life :)
·         The-multitalented-one, Dwiky Hary Nugraha. Thanks for always being a really nice friend that always sharing stories in pain and happiness, also being very helpful in the last days before my thesis exam. Good luck for your career and hey, I dont mind to join in your business in the future :)
·         The-sporty-guy-lover, Rahma Yunitasari. Thanks for always being able to invite us in your home to hold some parties. Although the red and blue colors cannot become one, there are still many other colors out there that can be mixed and will produce more beautiful color than you ever imagined. Just believe and keep your faith :)
·         The-creative-and-Potterhead-ever, Hari “Lumos” Prawiradhani. Thanks for always being my friend in “crime” to share and hang around. Have a dream to become a forensic auditor is very cool, isn’t it? So, arrest those corruptors then!! (^.^)9
·         “My twin” from different parents-bu jendral, Rizka Amalia. Thanks for provide me your precious time and help me to understand more about the materials subject during the uni period. I am really sure you will be great lecturer in the future :)
·         The-most-fashionable-one, Mutiara Ramadatiyas. Thanks for always help me when it comes to the make-up stuffs and other wedding party things. You might be the next Dian Pelangi, girl :)
·         The-guys-idol, Lina Trianita Darmastuti. Thanks for always support me from the far and remind me to finish this thesis as soon as possible. Really miss you girl :*
12. The karokean team, Abi, Danu, Isa, Engkoh. Thanks for always being able to join in karoke time in order to refresh my mood :)
13. The AIS and intermediate accounting mates, Angga, Yoga, Buzat, Ilham, Nowo, Bachrul, Aulia. Many thanks for your “help” guys during the re-taking time, it such a precious time also to know you better.
14. All of my classmates – accounting 2009: Kiki, Astri, Tika, Peppy, Tian, Reza, Jojo, Nurul, Nino, Adelia. Thanks for the friendship and many helps during these 4 years.
15.  The mojosari gank, Mbak Prima and Mbak Nana, big thanks for your both help and support while doing this thesis. I do love spent our leisure time together.
16.  My sweetheart Rio-2861 FT-who always taking me wherever I go, no matter in the rainy or sunny day. We have been fallen, crashed by the car, trampled by the horse, but you are still standing here and have been accompanied me for these 4 years. I won’t sell you :)
17.  My lovely camel doll-Tum Tum- who have accompanied me for 10 years. Thank you very much for accompany me staying up while doing my homework especially when I tried to finish this thesis. Also thank you for kakkoi members of Arashi, Oh-chan, Sho-chan, Aibaka, Neen, and my favorite one member, Jun. Your songs always exist in my playlist and give me more support to make my dream come true. Hora, atashi wa jibun no besuto o tsukushita :) Hope that someday I can meet you guys, or at least come into your concerts in Japan.
18. My arashian girls, Delia and An-chan, also my Japanese Class’s mate Aryani-nee, minna no sapoto o arigatou gozaimashita :)
19. The everlasting-IPA 2-friends, Meutya, Galuh, Wima, Fida, Duduth, Reega, Nisa, Dita, Maul Alan, Obby, Mamed, Ogip, Syukron, Benny, Hexagone ganks and others for the presence and support all along time. I do miss all of you guys.
20. My junior-Anny (IP Management-2010), thanks for helped me to “read” all those numbers stuff, you’re really helpful. Then for other beloved junior 2010, 2011 from accounting and management, and the student of 2012, Alex, Astrin, Puti, and Ikhsan, many thanks for your help during the re-taking class and support to graduate this year. Hope you guys will achieve all of your dreams soon.
These acknowledgement papers may not contain all of words that I want to say and show it to you, but let this page, at least, represents my love and gratefulness toward you all. Hopefully, Allah will bless and give the best for you guys.

Wassalammuallaikum Wr.Wb


           Dewi Rosyidah Rahmawati

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